Saturday, July 27, 2024

2018 O’Hara Motorkhana Results

Shane would like to thank everyone who came out to have a run at his Motorkhana. With the size of the grounds, he knew it was tight and really didn’t suit the bigger cars but that just couldn’t be helped.

Thanks all those who came out to official, without you we don’t have an event. Thanks John Joyner for returning the crapper. A Big thank you to Jason King and Mick King for coming out yesterday to help set up and also thanks to those who helped pack up at then end. It was great to have the help of those at the end of the day to pack up.

Thanks Tim for bringing out the water truck to help keep the dust down. 

Shane spoke with the owner of the ground, he was very happy with how it all went and is going to let us use a section of the parking area to set up another test next time. That will mean we can run 4 tests at once. 

So hope everyone had a great day and will be at the next one on May 19 then at our Supersprint on May 26th.

Results below

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