Saturday, July 27, 2024
AnnouncementSecretaries Notices


Afternoon one and all

First up we hope everyone had a festive and safe Christmas

Secondly we wish everyone a very Happy New Year and look forward to a year FULL of events in 2022

Thirdly, please be aware that your membership for 2021 expires as at midnight tonight. Check you have a 2022 membership card.

Remember that if you are a financial member for 2021 you can apply for free renewal for 2022

I will be at Januarys General Meeting for anyone that requires to renew their membership.

It is quicker to send any mail to my Post Office Box

Fourthly, renewal of membership is especially import for historical rego as it is a requirement of RMS to maintain membership with any club affiliated with Motorsport Australia to keep historical registration

Without membership of an affiliated club historical registration is voided hence your car will be unregistered

Again HAPPY NEW YEAR and looking forward to seeing a crowd at Januarys GM


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