2019 2WD Masters Khanacross Series
HDCC 2WD Masters Khanacross Series is back for 2019.
5 Rounds all at Hills Motor Park – Hampton
Series Rules, Scoring & Calendar
1 – 5 round series in conjunction with our Khanacross series at our property at Hampton.
2 – Scored on 4 rounds and must officiate at 1 round.
3 – The series will be for 2wd vehicles only, whether front wheel drive or rear wheel drive.
4 – No specials, buggies or side by side vehicles allowed.
5 – You cannot change vehicles during an event for this series only.
6 – You must do 50% of each round to be scored for this series.
7 – Scoring is as follows
1st place is 20 points, 2nd is 19 points and so on down to a minimum of 3 points for 18th and all remaining positions thereafter.
All registration forms and monies to be handed or emailed to Gavin Hermann . Registration and entries close at the start of the first round.
Dates of the 5 rounds which are all at the Club’s property at Hampton.
Round 1. Sunday 14th April 2019
Round 2. Sunday 23rd June 2019
Round 3. Sunday 25th August 2019
Round 4. Sunday 20th October 2019 (TCC)
Round 5. Saturday 23rd November 2019
Any questions please contact Gavin on the above email address or on 0427 948 367.
Rules and Registration form